Sunday, January 3, 2021

7 Ingredients for Writing a Thoughtful Scholarship “Thank You” Letter


by Willette Coleman

CONGRATULATIONS!!!  You won the scholarship!!!  It may be to attend a college or university, or a trade school (yes, sponsors provide scholarships for training in everything from culinary to truck driving).  

So, what next????  Say “Thank You”……in a letter or email. 

Receiving a thoughtful and well written “Thank you” letter from a scholarship recipient lets sponsors know that their gift was appreciated, and who doesn't like being appreciated.  It’s “important to remember that scholarships are made possible by the generous donations of other people, and when students receive a life changing scholarship it is important to thank those individuals with a formal letter of appreciation,” stresses.  Also, a “Thank you” holds you in high esteem with scholarship sponsors, and, in the long run, could help you “establish professional connections that lead to future funding or career opportunities after graduation, offers 

Composing a “Thank You” letter isn’t as difficult as you might think.  


To start, put on your detective hat and find out to whom you should send your letter(s)/email(s).  There could be more than one person.  If you received your award through your college or university, the financial aid adviser or department head should be able to provide the name(s) and address(es) you need.  Some colleges and universities, like the University of Utah and Fresno State, have procedures to guide you through the process.  Even if the scholarship wasn’t provided through your school, ask for help from the financial aid adviser or department head anyway.  It doesn’t hurt to ask.

After securing the 411, refresh your memory with what you said in your essay (if an essay was the requirement).  A re-imagined sentence or paragraph of a few salient points you made in your award-winning communication can serve as a reminder to the scholarship provider.    

While writing, re-writing and editing your drafts, keep in mind to be

·        thoughtful 

·        clear and concise 

·        enthusiastic 

·        sincere/genuine (try not to be pretentious)

·        brief



Like a recipe for a delicious casserole, a “Thank you” letter/email comes with a list of ingredients.  Here are 7.

1.     Your major

2.     Date you expect to graduate

3.     The scholarship by name.  (Some donors contribute to a number of different programs, so naming the one you won lets them know which scholarship has the greatest impact.)

4.     The college or university you’re attending.

5.     How you’ll use the scholarship

  1.   How the scholarship assists you in overcoming a financial obstacle, and the impact it has on you and your family. 
  2.  Give brief details of any extracurricular activities you’re involved in, particularly community service projects; of an idea for an invention or program to better serve humanity and/or the planet; of plans to do an internship, or of a job already lined up. 

Read your letter/email over and over - 5 or more times - to double-check for typos, spelling (especially the name of the recipient or recipients), grammatical errors, confusing sentence structures and accurate mailing or email address.  Delete unnecessary words and phrases.  Maybe even let the letter (and you) rest for a day or two.  Then read it with “fresh eyes.”  Ask a trusted family member, friend, classmate and/or mentor to read your letter and give you feedback.  (Try not to bristle at any constructive criticism.  Writing is subjective and some authors don’t respond well to suggestions.  Breathe deeply! Remember: In most cases, the suggestions are meant to help, not hurt.)


While typing is preferred by some scholarship sponsors, others welcome the personal feel of a hand-written letter(s), just make sure your handwriting is legible and neat.  (To be on the safe side, you could ask your financial aid advisor or department head whether a preference is indicated by the sponsor.) 


Write the letter or email in business format like the following 2 sample letters you can modify to your specific need.  (Note:  While GPA and scholarship amount is mentioned in Sample Letter #1, inclusion is optional.  You decide.)



Sample Letter 1



Mr./Ms. ( First and Last Name) 
Name of Organization  
City, State, Zip

Dear Mr./Ms. (Last name of the person to whom the letter is  addressed):

I am honored that the scholarship committee selected me as a recipient of the (name of scholarship).  Thanks to your generous support, I'm the first in my family to attend college.  This award of (amount) benefits my parents also.  They can now focus on making ends meet without struggling to pay for my tuition, fees, books and other supplies.

Growing up in a low income community presented financial and academic challenges, but also helped me understand and value a good education.  I just began my undergraduate career as a freshman majoring in Political Science, and I can report that I maintain a (GPA) and will graduate in (year).  (Name of college/university) offers one of the finest programs in the country and I consider myself fortunate to be able to attend.

I volunteered in my community throughout high school and enjoyed helping people learn about available community services (include name of church or nonprofit organization where you volunteered).  I plan to serve in a political capacity in the future to help people in less fortunate and under-represented communities. 

My educational and career pursuits would not be possible without generous support from scholarship sponsors like you.  Again, thank you for enabling this opportunity!


(Leave 4 spaces to sign your name on a hard copy letter)

Your Name (type written)





Sample Letter 2



Mr./Ms. (First and Last Name) 
Name of Organization                                                                                                  Address
City, State, Zip

Dear Mr./Ms. (Last name of the person to whom the letter is addressed):

My lifelong dream of attending (name of college or university) is a reality thanks to your philanthropy.  The (name of Scholarship) gives me an opportunity to earn credentials in Pediatric Medicine and takes me a step closer to becoming a doctor.  My passion for medicine is matched only by my love for children, so my decision to specialize in Pediatrics comes from the heart.  Pediatric Medicine requires special training and coursework, in addition to tests that require fees.  This scholarship takes a lot of weight off my grandmother who has sacrificed a lot for my education. 

Once again, thank you and the scholarship committee for the vote of confidence.  Following graduation, in (year), I plan to use the skills I learn to help with childhood wellness.    


Leave 4 spaces to sign your name on a hard copy letter)

Your Name (type written)





Need more help?  See this Step-by-Step guide.    

Magic, Miracles & Blessings,



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